Random vs Quality Link Building Package
In this modern day Many website owners or company believes if they buy link building package SEO will be sky rocket. But actually the idea is completely wrong. There are two types of link building package. One is who never know anything but selling link building package for you!. Another is who really know what they are doing also experienced do the great research and know the best solution for their client. Also proven technique, apply for a client. They are selling another link building package.
How you know random vs Quality link Building Package
Why Most link building packages not working for you
Extor silently buy a package from many companies and check their services how they are working what their link building package and knowledge. Extor just see 90% people are selling non quality link building package. So if you take those services year to year, even decade your seo not working by any mean.
What is the main reason bad link building package?
Some SEO provider who never know what is the actual package he even selling. Just selling because download some random list from competitor site and post on their website. And when marketing with google ad, Facebook Campaign or various ways. When They get an order from you. They hire some freelancer to do the job. In this case between this two step there is no quality control or researcher. So how you believe your link building package really working for you?
How Extor ensure most clients never get quality link building services
We found the most reason is. Most people can not verify their services after buy from someone. They don’t have an idea who is trying to buy. Similar seller doesn’t have good knowledge but selling. So seller tries to marketing based on a new client who never have any SEO knowledge and catch them easily. But Buyer will know it after a few months or a year when sees no site improvement. Or need to high link audit specialist for bad link correction.
How to verify your link building package not working
If you do not believe start from today and buy from everywhere and compare your result.To understand it if you hired some SEO Analyst and researcher who can show your site condition at the moment.Then you will know the clear answer about your site online visibility.
Client Bad SEO Concept
The main reason They never know what is reality of SEO services.But yes, They believe your link building package really works.We talk with lots of clients around the world even some are millionaire and some are billionaires! From other business!. But SEO knowledge zero. You know why because they are not digital people. Most are great old somehow earn money by the gas station, or store or store dealer or reseller. But the reality is their seo not working.However, every single day competitor, increasing. You know it is a serious type of challenge. If you are not smart surely your competitor take the business. You know why? The reason you already behind. You need to update like what they are doing. We can provide an example: Suppose you use a 20 years ago desktop PC. And if you want to work this same pc in 2018. Then your computer must not work properly. Similar if you keep your old method then your business must be a bad day by day. Not just bad we track most companies who do not hear us after few years again we try to check their site and the site completely down. You know the only main reason bad SEO concept and strategy.
Don’t want to invest for quality SEO
Another reason we also find out. There are many clients have money, but never wants to invest good money for SEO. Because they believe any SEO strategy will work for them. So finally, after all of the steps done by cheap SEO services company. And almost end their online budget. Then they decide to stop the domain. In this case forever the client removes from online business.
What is Extor advised?
Try to listen and learn quality link building services. Compare yourself or using analyst who can give you an idea. You can hire us or someone else that you matter. But it depend on how quality people you are hiring to know the link building working or not. You should have a part time or contract based SEO analyst who always gives you the idea based on what you are doing with an SEO service provider. By the way Extor have SEO analyst also. So if you work with us you never need to hire an SEO analyst. We provide you the analyst solution, but you must listen us with proof documents. If you want to hire us for your link building services or SEO services. We will take a screenshot before do anything. And please check that before you give us so. How many impressions, how many clicks. How many total keyword ranking. Then month to month compare the position from previous screenshot. Also see keyword ranking update daily status or weekly. You have clear sense you see the improvement.
What if an Extor guarantee service not satisfied
We also research about that. We worked with many clients. There are several clients who may have an Analysis problem, or time problem and do not look before after screenshot. Or there are some client who is actually cheater or clever. They see everything really nice and working. But always tell us nothing working. Then we cannot do anything for them. If you have some type of plan. We advice you should not hire us. We want only serious client.
Who is the type of client actually best for Extor?
The client who already hired more than 50 times multiple freelancer award their job or who already provide their SEO services to many companies and real result until today bad. They are actually our client what we are looking for. Because We have guaranteed to show you real quality result.
How Extor ensure guaranteed quality work
Extor not just do services. But also analysis services after result. How its work what is the process after its effect. SEO experiment. Analysis before after research. All the way Extor 100% ensure if we do your SEO job. Thousand keyword will come to ranking based on your investment day by day.
Working several months with Extor and all keyword not First Page
Extor never give you the guarantee all keyword will come to first page within a short time like 3 months. Its need several understanding. First your budget. The second may be your competitor spending even higher budget than you.Google index also time consuming. Google give the priority day by day. If you don’t know we can show you example, then you have a clear idea.
Is Extor do white hat seo?
Extor always do white hat SEO. Based on your service and understanding Extor try to provide Best services for their long term client.
Do I need any extra thinking after providing jobs to Extor?
We can say no. But you need to review our report. If you have any question sure. Always do the question. We will answer all the questions.
So however, there are two types of link building package. Most freelancers also never know what is the link building package. In this case most freelancer learn from YouTube, some online tutorial as usual what most people know. And no big difference or creativity nor out of thinking.
per month
- 200
- 70
- 10
- 2
- 50
- 10
- 100
- 10
- 5
Small Business
per month
- 500
- 150
- 20
- 5
- 100
- 20
- 200
- 20
- 20
Medium Business
per month
- 1000
- 300
- 30
- 10
- 200
- 40
- 400
- 5
- 50
- 50
per month
- 2000
- 500
- 50
- 15
- 300
- 60
- 600
- 10
- 100
- 100
per month
- 3000
- 700
- 70
- 25
- 500
- 80
- 1000
- 30
- 150
- 150