The luxury travel industry is a trillion dollar business that is madly competitive. But what is the one primary aspect that helps luxury travel business keep going? Do you have an idea? No? Don’t worry, here is your answer.
According to the research from the Tippie School of Management, it is evaluated that more than half of the population for luxury travel across the world is moving from offline to online avenues. In fact, around 53% of the luxury travel is booked online now.
All in all, means to say here is that if you are not able to ensure your presence online then forget about the success in the luxury travel business. In other words, it means that if you intend capturing the attention of the target market, then you have to be present online.
Being a luxury travel business, you also need to know that it is half of the battle. If you intend for staying ahead in the game, then you must know how to promote the business.
The article will illustrate the overview of the trends in luxury travel you require knowing to stay competitive.
Mobile marketing- A norm
It is one of the primary trends you need to know. The experiences of the mobile customer are growing, mainly in the e-commerce business. Mobile has managed to contribute around 94% growth year-on-year in the traffic of e-commerce.
When it is about luxury travel hotel bookings, then the rates of growth between the year 2011 and 2015 experienced the increase of 1700%. On the other hand, more than 21% of the bookings for the hotel are initiated on the mobile devices.
So, feel the power of mobile and make it your marketing priority now.
Customer expect personalization
When comes to marketing, then one of the assured methods for capturing the customer attention is leveraging the data for personalizing their experience. As the infrequency of luxury travel can undoubtedly make this complicated but still there are ways of personalizing the experience.
Here are various methods for effective personalization:
- Make sure capturing and leveraging the data of social network by the social login instituting.
- Personalizing of the important messages by email messages automation.
- To create a customized onsite experience make sure to the use the information you have about the customer.
If you want to make your customer feel distinctive and unique through personalization, then integrate the efficient efforts of marketing.
Video sway supreme
We always hear the famous saying, Content is the king, but out of all the content types pushed out in the luxury travel. You need to know that video reign supreme. To get the better idea of how relevant the content of video marketing, is the luxurious travelling industry. You can adopt the strategy of video for marketing your luxury travel business.
Have a look at some of the following statistics of 2017 compiled by Invisia:
- YouTube accumulates more than a billion users.
- Online video account is analyzed around 74% by 2017.
- 52% professionals in marketing all over the world state that video has the adequate return on investment.
So, if you intend to increase your tactics of marketing in luxury travel business, then it is relevant for you to invest in videos.
Wrapping up
The travel industry is experiencing the growth rate rapidly. Businesses that manage to keep up with the present trends in marketing have the advantage that is competitive. You need to keep in mind one fact, and that is if you plan to attract the customers, then it is essential to set the strategies of marketing. It is helpful in meeting the expectations of customer efficiently.
Author bio:
Emily Bartels is a Content Writer and Developer at Constant Clicks that helps businesses to grow using digital marketing practices. She has been in this industry for 5+ years and specialises in writing educative content on SEO, Social Media, businesses. She loves to read trending news to keep her updated!
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