Social Media Competitor ResearchSocial Media Competitor Research

Reality of Social Media Concept

We know there are a million articles on social media related tips and topics. But What we know if you apply the techniques to your online business why it’s not working as you read? The reason is you never do Social Media Competitor Research.  Do you know the reason? The reason behind is most are wrong info. Not so research based article. Anyone can put random social media tips article for you and you start following them. You never know what type of quality site it is. Who write the article for you. Are They research before writing the article? Is it their real life tips or just a random tips to gather user attention. All questions are answered by Extor research. You heard multi million companies earning million to billion dollar just by social media techniques. How it is working? It is not something you are going to post in social media and start working. It is some high end research done by the company who are serious and invest quality researcher input in their social media platform. It’s of course a difficult work. It’s not any overnight works as well. So a time growing a perfect audience and make a high end business for them. So if you try to think social media random post today just forgot it. Because its all waste of time. You may get some response but not at all perfect buildings if you are paying your social media people even $5k its just waste of money. All you will get the idea after a few months when nothing working.

Social Media Competitor Research

Why social media really not working for general people

The main reason they cannot research, competitor. Of course it is not so easy as well. Some tracking tools even cost you more than 100$ per month. Not only that you may surprise to know a simple content for social media cost too high as well if a researcher write the article for you?

Social media compare Researcher and Non researcher content

In the social media there are two types of content. One is zero quality content. Another is high end content. A content really attack for the user. A child can do social media post. Does not it mean its start working. Anyone can do Facebook, twitter instagram , pinterest but still its not mean anything. Million people do social media right? 0.3-1% people maximum gain profit and improve the company. Do you ever know the reason? The reason is what they are doing you cannot do the same or better thinking like them.

What is the Extor Solution for Competitor research based Social media Marketing

Extor solution only works for them who understand long time research based work. For example, you have aim to do something for a few years and learning all the basic way. And you need talent to improve your business in the next few years. Then Extor solution must work for you. Because we will spend time for you and research your business to improve your social media marketing strategy all, the best way what your competitor is doing.

Is any short term solution by Extor

We can say actually not. But if you want to try for 3 months. It can be possible. Well, our each and every step is proven. We do not give you guarantee, but with the short terms you see some improvement. May some response as well. But our research surely help for your business. The example you have 0-100 twitter followers. And we will improve in within 3 months at least 500-2k. Of course that monthly job depend your budget. It can be even 20-100$ its depend on your budget. But it must work.

Why Extor do not have a short term solution

If you question yourself, you get your answer. I think google made their company in a day! Is that right? If not, then how you will do it. But google have aimed to do something and input best researcher’s idea and employee long term as long the researcher keep researching google is doing even better. And until today they are working together.So I think you should think better to improve your business be cheated by someone else and waste money!.

We can buy followers? Why Extor give us small followers

You can buy followers as much you want. Any fake followers will not work for your business. We have that type of customer who spend 100-300$ and buy 120k fake flowers. His profile looks great. But nothing to do? No business or no audience reading his company message. Because its fake followers. So even he has several million people twitter will not care the profile. And a time removes the fake profile followers by Social Media admin . What you already see in Facebook page like. Anything fake will not work. So Extor will provide you small followers, but each and every person almost real. It is mean to say you have 500 real followers. If you have posted in your twitter profile or company profile. At least 3-5% people will read your message. Suppose it is 15 people will read your message. Now you think if you make 10-15k real followers. And post in your profile or company page. Then at least 3-5% or 300-500 people will read your message without any other marketing. So you must see some proof from your Google analytics.

Someone offer us for short-term solution

Extor welcome and challenge to anyone. Show us something you get quick solution and it works. Extor already know the answer 100% it will not work by any mean. But yeah, some fraud or cheating way it may work temporarily, but solution is not permanent. Google or social media can ban your system as soon they understand your way.

Why actually Buy traffic or social followers not working

The special reason is buy social media traffic is fake traffic. We can see everything while drives the traffic. so we easily know it is cheating or bad traffic. And how it’s working if no one reading it?

Why real followers so cost effective and challenging

First reason simple. You are a person or company. How many real followers you have? May be less than a few thousand? Similar if million people follow you and get your news everyday it must work . That way social media will work. Actually followers is an audience. So whatever you are doing until they leave you, they will learn your post. And share and refer to your friend. And this is how working for your business. So it is of course not so easy to get real followers.But Extor proven solution working for everyone. Just we will grow your overall target audience.

if you want to read more tips from social media expert. Just follow the Social media Expert Advice regarding Instagram tips article.