A CRM application is a valuable tool for small businesses. By simplifying management and implementing the right CRM can increase sales efficiency, you can close more deals, improve forecast accuracy and increase sales. We are not just talking about a couple of percentage points here and there; CRM can improve productivity by 30% if used correctly.
No CRM tool has a secret formula hidden. It is merely responsible for managing your important customer information so that you can look at it all in one place. Without exiting the programme, you can view the contact information, manage tasks, and track your performance amongst other benefits.
To maximize your CRM, pair it with your accounting software. Additionally, to all the customer information easily available through CRM, you can now gain insight into previous trends, track expenses, route purchase orders, and automatically pay bills using an accounting-CRM relationship. That way you can get a clear picture of your business and forecast accurately.
Customer experience is a top priority
In a Customer Management IQ survey, almost 76 percent of customer management executives and leaders thought of customer experience to be highly prioritized in their business sphere.
According to the contemporary marketing idea, Gartner claims these numbers to have grown, and it is already 89 percent of the companies that are determined to compete mostly with customer experience.
PwC’s Digital IQ survey says that almost 25% of businesses expect their digital investments to result in creating a satisfying customer experience.
The study by Walker states that by 2020, customer experience will be leading ‘brand differentiator’ for all buying decisions, leaving behind the criteria of price and product.
CRM revolutionizing digital marketing
CRM platforms such as WordPress CRM plugins enable businesses to manage their customer databases, giving teams an accurate forecast or their marketing and sales efforts. Here is a list of seven ways how CRM is revolutionizing digital marketing and sustaining business growth.
- Follow up on leads
It makes no sense using expensive customer acquisition tactics to get visitors to your website, waiting for them to make a purchase and become loyal customers. You need to keep tabs on every consumer that comes to your site, ensuring you follow up and find out why or why they did not complete their journey.
An efficient CRM platform enables you to track and follow up on each customer that comes into contact with you via both online and offline mediums. Following up with each lead on a pipeline CRM gives your sales a chance to nurture relationships and eventually turn leads into loyal customers. Small and big businesses are more likely to withstand the test of time by building strong relationships with the sales department.
- Better customer support
Customer satisfaction is an important aspect of creating profitable and sustainable businesses. Customer centricity is an essential business strategy that integrates all elements of customer experience to drive sustainable business growth. CRM systems are amongst the most effective platforms for managing leads, making them a useful addition to a customer-centric organization.
CRM programmes usually enable marketing teams to learn about different aspects of their customer’s requirements and pain-points, ensuring customer loyalty and a significant increase in sales.
- Customer tracking
A CRM tool can help businesspersons better track their customers, understand their behavior and build long-lasting, quality relationships. CRM software allows you to automatically track your relationship with each consumer connected to your business and help you understand where they stand in the buying process.
The CRM software exists to integrate with your POS, allowing you to track the interactions that occur and instantly log them and have plenty of data for each customer. Moreover, a CRM can help users monitor their correspondence with customers such as newsletters, phone calls, email marketing, or other engagements you have had with them.
An enhanced customer tracking system can help you understand fully where a customer stands and help you build strong consumer relationships. By having a stronger knowledge of who they are, you can engage with your customers more effectively and know where they stand in the buyer’s journey.
- Social media integrations
Many CRM software options can easily merge into social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Social CRM is important for building businesses that truly interact with customers and help you understand even more about your consumer market. With a few CRM tools, you can consolidate and manage your social media accounts all in one place. You can also track your followers and fans while monitoring the information you have about them interacting with you on social media.
CRM software allows let you integrate social media pages with loyalty programmes and email lists, keeping all of your customer relationships to be in one centralized location.
- Emergence of beacons
While the scope of marketers to achieve targets has increased, the challenge to provide customers with a valuable shopping experience has also experienced a boost. Consumers are now moving from retail outlets to digital shopping quite frequently.
In this situation, beacons are the ones accumulating data and sending push notifications to them. The CRM feature of beacons prove valuable for marketers, capable of measuring both in-store and online customer engagements.
According to the Proxbook 2016 report, the ‘Beacon Marketplace’ for retail is worth $40 billion. Consequentially, CRM techniques involve integrating beacons together to improve the marketing efforts of a business.
- Positive impact on SEO
It makes sense for digital marketing companies to go for the most value-added applications driving their promotional efforts. Ask any chief marketing officer and they will point to SEO as one of their primary goals. After all, the fact still stands ground that being simply in a desirable position in the search engine results sphere is something significant.
According to Jason Hartman of the Hartman Foundation, “Any upcoming entrepreneur needs to recognize the value of big data. At first, it is messy and complicated. However, once new brands embrace data, they have unlocked their potential. This is so exciting for us!”
- Quick responses to requests
When any customer has a question, he or she wants an immediate response. In this fast world, there is no time for delay. With the apparent impatience, you would think that companies would be quick to respond to customer requests. The Suppeoffice survey, found the aspect to be quite the contrary.
For instance, experts found that 63% of surveyed companies did not respond to customer support email at all. Moreover, the average response time was more than 12 hours.
By using the CRM software, you can easily speed up your responses to customer questions by using ready-made email templates. With customizes, pre-made templates, you can answer the FAQs on time by selecting the template from a knowledge base.
All in all
The CRM programme can help your business team manage and monitor all aspects of your work; strengthening customer relationships by knowing more about them and interacting with them effectively.
CRM software can change your company for the better, helping you and your employees to make better use of your time.
ABOUT Erica Silva
Erica Silva is a blogger who loves to discover and explore the world around her. She writes on everything from marketing to technology, science and brain health. She enjoys sharing her discoveries and experiences with readers and believes her blogs can make the world a better place.
Find her on Twitter: @ericadsilva1
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