LinkWheel is the process to development your seo strategies, Using link wheel technique you can generate lot of sales and traffic in your site. Link wheel included web 2.0,article marketing, blog marketing, rss feed marketing,forum profile marketing, ping. This process can be done your whole site visibility in Google and other search engine.Where you Can gather link velocity
Anything that happens off your site is known as offsite SEO, and since links are coming from another site to your site, a link wheel is an offsite technique.
Okay, so how does a link wheel differ from any other link, and what’s the “wheel” part of the name? Link wheels are one of the most advanced SEO link building techniques out there right now.
A link wheel is the process of creating 12 or so (or sometimes up to 116) new blogs/microsites on a particular topic. On each of those sites, you write 200 words of unique content, and include 1 link to your targeted site, and 1 link to one of your other blogs/microsites.
Now the trick here, and why link wheels are so effective is the new blogs and microsites we create are on sites like,,, which are established, PR6, PR7, PR8 sites, and the subsequent blogs benefit from these attributes.
Also, by including a single link to each of our new sites, we are passing the value from one site to another, building up the value of each of our links. And since each of the links are only one-way, that is, site 1 links to site 5, but site 5 links to site 2, the link juice is passed to all of the sites, and not diminished by reciprocal linking (linking site 1 to 2, and 2 to 1).
So what we have is a network of up to 116 microblogs with 200 words of content related to our niche, with links all pointing back to our targeted site, making our targeted site look like an authority on whatever topic we’re trying to rank for.
Our Link Wheel Packages
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