‘The Power of Language’: Do bilinguals think differently?
Tell me something interesting. How long you spend your time to learn just only English if you are not native person!. Now compare with my difference. more than 20 years I never learn english. I mean ofcourse english is fine. But I had question why I have to give some complex structure unnecessary.
an example I eat rice. very simple . I know I make a big sentence with lot of grammartical error. but I never correct. But I will give the answer.
english born by other following lanuage before english. Everyone understand me but not smoothly. no matter. if you understand your future smooth. then why now a days world situation?
So many be in your life atleast 10-20k hours spend time to learn and practice english? where I spend maximum few hours to learn it. may be 1-3k hours. that is the only difference. The language concept you have to learn. it is super simple. explain something to someone is simple lagunage. not matter. what should I make my own language? I research how language born. a time people can not talk based on documentary. also Mention in Quran God help us to learn language. a time human can not even express his self. I agruee with top talent who are native speaker. no matter who is that. let make today own language. time time may need.
how are you . ok if I now make a nation. ask them to learn how = woh era uoy (I can make it as A country language if lead the country by me), or owh rae oyu(it could be another country) — why not it is? ofcourse it is. if they practice forever it will be a language think now its rarcntv or Kazi Language. Just utilize brain important part.
What you learn about unique code. Why I have to do exactly how world is doing? no need just by theory I need to do what is exactly it is. Who said what I never care until is right logic. Google want to news about me but I agruee. its interesting. well google forget before born google. 2 friend sergey and larry page fight each other with opposite logic. Larry thought Sergey was arrogant. Sergey thought Larry was obnoxious. But their obsession with backlinks just might be the start of something big reference wired . So tell me why I can not agrument for right logic. where my logic not yet born in anywhere in the world! I research and see. So what difference with me. you spend million of times in your life to learn english exactly 99% same english I learn without spending time!. that is my difference!. same time I learn something else too. See my broken english?
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lets make quality english : same person doing. but with techniques nothing else. I would appreciate it if you could tell me something interesting. What is the duration you spend learning English if you are not a native speaker?
Compare my difference now. I never learned English more than 20 years ago. I know some guaranteed answers with come and it is fixed better. Is it correct grammar, right? A time when you put in a lot of effort to translate. Nowadays, something is helping you instantly! This is how everything progresses. During a time when you work hard to search on Google. Come, siri. Google Assistant, Google Voice Typing, there are now even more assistants available. Seeing something starts from nothing and puts in a lot of effort. But it’s now easy. If that’s the case, English is exactly the same. Can you tell me how I learned that? It appears to be a simple matter. I always know my English is always right. Grammar is irrelevant to me. It doesn’t matter what it is. but something will come to fix all the things. It is. Compare now what you spend a lifetime doing hard work. The same factor can be fixed in a few minutes. I won’t fix every case, and not every solution. From now on, you will comprehend that I am aware of both sides. and always based on your thoughts. And that’s why I always think of something that hasn’t been born yet on Google. Google is capable of copying my standard English. But it is impossible to copy my broken language. I have the ability to fix it! That is exactly the theory from God. A time when the Earth idea was not believed by people. His message or anything else. The reason is that everything is normal. What’s the status of today? Day by day learning makes you smarter to know reality. But not from the beginning. Make sure to set the time before destory. Finally, we are aware of the differences in language. Easy and advanced technology. I have a passion for learning theory
So do you think I got more than a few dozen university certificates without anything? What’s the point of doing it yourself if you can’t learn from your mistakes? Understand all that’s why I successfully completed the assignment. It’s more than just a tick mark. My goal is to continue learning. Thanks for the ongoing response and the many opportunities,invitation. It’s important to remember that we have the ability to create Windows fonts.
So do you think a simple solution I can not fix where a million ideas are correct by my comment, theory, and upcoming challenge match?